Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Success is not for the lazy

I saw a quote once that said “Intensity is not for everyone – neither is success.”  You must be willing to be intense, scary, loud, excited, passionate and most of all be willing to go to extremes for your goals otherwise don’t even bother setting any. 
I drag my feet sometimes because something I am working on isn’t exactly exciting or isn’t igniting my passion.  It is during this time that I can find yet another great sitcom on Netflix to watch, see what’s happening on Facebook again or find another awesome Pinterest page to get sucked into.  Now I am not saying that you don’t need downtime and that Pinterest and Facebook aren’t helpful in inspiring you but really you should be asking yourself why am I not working on something that does push my levels of creativity rather than working on something I find boring and tedious.  If you are serious about a goal then you will do whatever you need to in order to achieve it.  If you make excuses then you know you are not that interested.  My boot camp instructor says you must be “committed not inspired.”  Commitment takes over where inspiration stops.  It’s great to be inspired by something or someone but what are you going to commit to?  Are you willing to make the ultimate sacrifice? Are you willing to push for everything you want?  Are you willing to overcome the resistance that keeps holding you back? (Thank you Jason Rasset for suggesting I read the War of Art). 
I hate should haves or could haves.  There is no room in your life for those statements.  You must be willing to sacrifice everything to be successful.  You must go forward in your life with purpose and shake things up. My favorite quote is change is the only consistency and I know that in order to be successful you must be willing to change.  So my commitment starts now.  I know that in order for my blog to be successful I need to write every day.  I need to refocus my energy away from the “time sucks” that I keep falling back on and I need to realize my goals and my success are bigger than my fear of failure.
What are you committing to today?

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